Giving In To The Love歌词-Aurora | 歌词网_全网歌词大全

Giving In To The Love

I'm losing my connections
I'm tired of the rules and your corrections
我厌倦了规则 厌倦了你的指手画脚
I want to live my life be all of it's pages
我想要活出自我 书写我自己的人生
And underline that I am not an angel
我想要强调 我不是个天使
'Cause if I'm not pure I guess that I'm too much
因为若是我不纯洁 那我可能就太过分了
I'll never know how to keep in keep in touch
我永远都学不会如何保持 保持联系
If I'll be somebody I'll never let my skin be decided for me
如果我要有所成就 我绝不会让我的肤色决定我的未来
I'll never have the world so why change for it
我永远无法得到世界 那又为何要因为它而改变自我
I'll never have the world so why change for it
我永远无法得到世界 那又为何要因为它而改变自我
Giving in to the love
Giving in to the love
Giving in to the love the love the love the love
为爱屈服 爱 爱 爱
Someone out there is trying to find somebody whole who is not dying
有人试图找到 某个没有在苟延残喘的完美的人
But everybody cries and nobody comforts
但所有人都在痛哭 没有人有余力安慰别人
The television lies and now my mind hurts
电视里谎话连篇 现在我的心无比疼痛
And if I'm not loved I guess that I am cursed
如果我没有得到爱 我想我是受到了诅咒
I gotta know how to beat it beat it first
我要知道如何战胜诅咒的力量 先要摆脱掉它
If I'll be somebody I'll never let my skin be decided for me
如果我要有所成就 我绝不会让我的肤色决定我的未来
I'll never have the world so why change for it
我永远无法得到世界 那又为何要因为它而改变自我
I'll never have the world so why change for it
我永远无法得到世界 那又为何要因为它而改变自我
Giving in to the love
Giving in to the love
Giving in to the love the love the love the love the love
为爱屈服 爱 爱 爱 爱
Giving in to the love
Giving in to the love
Giving in to the love the love the love the love
为爱屈服 爱 爱 爱