Artemis歌词-Aurora | 歌词网_全网歌词大全


What will you do when she drinks the sea
当她将汪洋一饮而尽时 你会怎么办
Drown her in sorrow or let her be free
让她沉浸于悲伤中 还是让她重获自由
When she's upset all of her heart is cold ah
当她心烦意乱 整颗心冷若冰霜
What will you do when she eats the moon
当她吞噬月亮时 你会怎么办
Make her return it or give her a spoon
让她归还一切 还是给她一支勺子
When she is full all of her heart is warm ah
当她心满意足 整颗心都温暖无比
The mother made us a savage daughter
Who never begs for forgiveness
I always wondered why they all came back for more
我不禁好奇 他们卷土重来 提出更多要求的原因
What will you do when shе takes your throne
当她夺走你的王位时 你会怎么办
Beg for her power or throw her a bone
觊觎她的权力 还是扔给她一块骨头
All that she has traded for love is yours ah
What will you do when she takes off her clothes
当她褪去衣衫时 你会怎么办
Beg for her body or touch your soul
垂涎于她的美色 还是渴望心意相通
When you're alone dreaming of her you sigh ah
当你孤身一人 梦到她的声音 你叹了一口气
The mother made us a savage daughter
Who never begs for forgiveness
I always wondered why they all came back for more
我不禁好奇 他们卷土重来 提出更多要求的原因
The gods have made us a virgin hunter
Who in the storm becomes stillness
置身于风暴之中 变得沉着冷静
I always wondered why they all came back for more
我不禁好奇 他们卷土重来 提出更多要求的原因
Came back for more
卷土重来 提出更多要求