Elevated歌词-Wiz Khalifa | 歌词网_全网歌词大全


Wiz Khalifa
Scared money don't make money so what you scared for
担心以钱生钱的办法行不通 你在怕什么啊
And real people do real things so what you here for
真正的男子汉都是实干 畏畏缩缩的你干脆回家好了
A stand up ni**a stand up for the rest of their life yeah
And real g s do what they want don't ever think twice
真正的汉子都是随心所欲 都不用想太多的
Uh it go one for the money
关于钱的问题无非3种 一是钱本身
Two for the niggas getting it
Three for the niggas that be running from it
You gotta grind if you really want it
要是你真的想发财致富 那你就得刻苦奋斗
Don't hesitate
You came this far now finish out the whole dream
你努力走了那么长的路 那就以完成梦想作为结局吧
Nobody said it would be easy though just stick to your plan
虽说那并不容易 但请坚持自己的计划一步一步来
They don't understand
Going up against the odds
努力向上 冲破万重困阻
Having no regards
Make our own laws you could be your own boss
制定自己的规则 做自己的主人
But they don't tell you that
All you need is a foundation to stand on
And you can build it then the limit is the sky
你可以打造这个平台 之后的日子便会无所束缚
Until then I'm with my niggas gettin' high
直到那时 我跟我的兄弟们就能享受成功的果实
And plus we with it you all know the business
并且在成功之后 你就会明白当中的因果
Scared money don't make money so what you scared for
担心以钱生钱的办法行不通 你在怕什么啊
And real people do real things so what you here for
真正的男子汉都是实干 畏畏缩缩的你干脆回家好了
A stand up ni**a stand up the rest of their lives
And real g s do what they want don't ever think twice
真正的汉子都是随心所欲 都不用想太多的
Oh what did you think I would never get another m
你之前看我这样时是怎么想的 以为我会赚不到大钱么
Niggas only in the game cause we let em in
我好多兄弟都在这个行业里奋斗着 因为我们让他们进入这一行
We ain't check they chains
We ain't put em on blast and expose them fools for everything
We ain't tell you how they really lames
And that they don't do sh*t that they get on tv and say
We ain't mad though we on the coast of france for three days
不过我们对此也不会生气 还去法国的海岸玩了3天
I'm tryna make a play m*******a steam sauna
我们只想开心地玩耍 边抽**边焗桑拿
Young ni**a from the bottom cracking lobster eating pasta
年轻的伙计啃着龙虾 吃着意大利面
You would think that he a mobster
La familia no you not familiar
即便是家人 你对他也不太熟悉
Just got a bigger safe now it's time to fill it up ni**a
就买个保险柜 然后想着怎么用钱填满它吧
Scared money don't make money so what you scared for
担心以钱生钱的办法行不通 你在怕什么啊
And real people do real things so what you waiting for
真正的男子汉都是实干 畏畏缩缩的你干脆回家好了
A stand up ni**a stand up the rest of their lives stand your a** up
一个有担当的男人总会为他的余生而奋斗 站起来吧
And real g s do what they want don't ever
Think twice
都不用想太多 说干就干