Stay Focused歌词-Wiz Khalifa | 歌词网_全网歌词大全

Stay Focused

Wiz Khalifa
Started small with nothing
Now I got it all
如今 我拥有一切
I still want more
Who say I can't have that too
是谁说 我无法企及如此成就
You feel me
Foot on the gas both hands on the steering wheel
脚踩油门 双手握着方向盘
Jumped in the game cause I know it's real
我果断加入比赛 因为我知道 这就是现实
Heard it'll change you I know it will
我听说这场比赛能够改变你的命运 我知道 这是真的
Gatting still we made it over the hill
我们会创作出巅峰之作 问鼎榜首
Being broke I know how it feel
支离破碎 我知道这种感觉
All about a dollar bill
And seeing my son grow up
See they ain't know what they focus was
That's when I see my lane open up
Drinking champagne on boats
So drunk that I'll probably spend a month sober
我头晕目眩 可能需要一个月才能彻底清醒
Little more famous but a lot older
Been through situations *s acting bipolar
经历过种种场合 我变得八面玲珑
You don't always keep it real with me I don't know ya
在我面前 你并非每次都十分真实 我并不了解你
Say they good intentions but they not even close
他们目的很明确 但他们从未想过收手
Say they got sick of whips but I'm driving the most
他们厌倦了被鞭策 但我却总是不厌其烦地督促
Ni**a I be on my sh*t you ain't gotta provoke me
我一直我行我素 你不必为我大动肝火
F**k you talking bout it
You know it ain't like it was before
你知道 现在不同以往
I know it feel like I've been here before
我知道 我感觉自己曾经来过这里
We know that it's all about the dough
我们都知道 都是因为钱惹的祸
What that mean
If it ain't we out the door
如果没有钱 我们就只能露宿街头
Hit the bank and I'm counting more
打劫银行 那样我就有数不完的钞票了
I know to the top's where we can go
我知道要想取得巅峰成就 我们该如何走下去
You know that it's all about the dough
你知道 都是钱惹的祸
What that mean
If it ain't we out the door
如果没有钱 我们就只能露宿街头
I been here before
Blew that smoke in the air before
Smell like d**e in the airport
I'm the one that they're cheering for
Lotta kush smoke that's what they preparing for
Gave you solid sh*t before now you hearing more
在你听到更多小道消息前 我要给你吃颗定心丸
Seeing my *s on top that's what I stand for
看我问鼎榜首 这就是我坚定的立场
And only money conversations what I care for
And anytime you eat just know you gotta share yours
不管何时 你有吃的记得拿出来分享
Them *s out to get you claiming they down
他们会集体谴责你 怪你削减了他们的志气
Sh*t change when you turn around
转身时 请转变观念
So it's no love for them
对于他们来说 这并不是关怀
It's only papers when I roll up
当我再次卷烟时 却发现只剩钱了
Focus on the money now and not later
Ain't got the time to play
Thirteen cars in the driveway
God telling me keep going
One foot on the gas two hands when I'm rolling
脚踩油门 手握方向盘 我自由驰骋
Ay what chu doin ni**a
哥们 你想做什么
Getting mine and staying focused
明确志向 集中精力
You know it ain't like it was before
你知道 一切不同以往
I know it feel like I've been here before
我知道 我感觉以前来过这里
We know that it's all about the dough
我们都知道 是钱惹的祸
What that mean
If it ain't we out the door
如果没有钱 我们就只能露宿街头
Hit the bank and I'm counting more
打劫银行 那样我就有数不完的钞票了
I know to the top's where we can go
我知道要想取得巅峰成就 我们该如何走下去
You know that it's all about the dough
你知道 都是钱惹的祸
What that mean
If it ain't we out the door
如果没有钱 我们就只能露宿街头
So you really need all those
所以 你真的需要昂首向前了
That's how much you gon smoke