Stoned Gentleman歌词-Wiz Khalifa | 歌词网_全网歌词大全

Stoned Gentleman

Wiz Khalifa
Like my gin neat
Run the game I suggest that you get floor seats
在这个圈子里沉浮 我建议你脚踏实地
Might not leave with everything but we for sure get a piece
也许不会全部带走 可我一定能分得一杯羹
Fix it up put it on the streets
整理好一切 泄露机密
如果我没开着豪车 那我开着奔驰闲逛
Up and down the street
Run to the money can't nothin' else get me on my feet
一心想赚钱 没有什么能让重振旗鼓
We ain't even gotta watch for police
It's legal now they allow us to grow trees
如今 我们的行为是合法的
My hotel suite describe the definition of chic
Tryin' not to ash on the sheets
Got a balcony we won't see
30 mil' a year still tryna be lowkey
一年赚3000万 依然保持低调
And that's just me not even to mention my OG
这就是我 更别说我崇拜的大佬
Get money 'fore we dip then we proceed
在我们离开之前大捞一笔 我们继续前行
It's funny how n***as get
真是有趣 兄弟们是如何做到的
We don't do it 'less the whole gang benefit
除非可以给整个帮派带来利益 我们才会出手
We stoned gentlemen
We stoned gentlemen yeah
Money is the mission it's skrilla over b***hes
金钱是使命 钞票凌驾于一切之上
Standin' in the way f**k him and whoever with him
挡住去路 无论他和谁在一起
Pull up on her and she make a decision to get in
在她面前现身 她决定坐上我的车
Get in
Yeah your girl hella talkative 'round rich n***as
Room full of hittas and you squares can't get in
房间里全是我的兄弟 你不够资格 无法进入
Movin' through the air eatin' shrimp in the gulf stream
顺风顺水 轻而易举取得成就
She in the mirror for hours hopin' that she get seen
她对着镜子照了好几个小时 希望有人注意到她
With us your girl hella talkative 'round rich n***as
和我们这些有钱人在一起 你的妹子滔滔不绝
Hustle is all I know spend it and get some more
我只知道一掷千金 然后再努力赚钱
I'm stayin' on the go hopin' it don't get slow
我忙得不可开交 希望我保持节奏
I'm on the paper route with my folk
Ain't part of this game a joke
这全是意外 开个玩笑
Wrap it up like a brick of coke
全部打包 就像一块上等好货
Call a play like a give and go give and go
上演一出好戏 和我的兄弟巧妙配合
Ballin' for real toss an alley oop off the pick and roll
不忘初心 默契合作 一击即中
Rollin' hundred spokes gold my Rolex frozen
黄金轮毂的车子任我驰骋 我的镶钻劳力士手表寒气逼人
Have you ever seen a quarter of a million dollars rollin'
Bein' drivin' like it's stolen by a stoned stoner
极度兴奋 疯狂飙车
One of the originals who showed
You fools how to turn the internet rhymes into residuals
让你们相形见绌 把网上的歌曲变成残留物
I put away a whole lot of loot
And stayed true that's what we do
保持真实 这是我们要做的
Make it easy to choose so guess what
让选择轻松一点 猜猜发生了什么
You wonderin' why she gettin' all dressed up
You in the house messed up all stressed for what
你在家里 喝到酩酊大醉 备受压力 为了什么
Hustle is the only thing gon' keep your lights on f**k love
唯一能让你充满活力的事就是拼命赚钱 爱情不值一提
Money is the mission it's skrilla over b***hes
金钱是使命 钞票凌驾于一切之上
Standin' in the way then f**k him and whoever with him
挡住去路 无论他和谁在一起
Pull up on her and she make a decision to get in to get in
在她面前现身 她决定坐上我的车
Yeah your girl hella talkative 'round rich n***as
Room full of hittas and you squares can't get in get in
房间里全是我的兄弟 你不够资格 无法进入
Movin' through the air eatin' shrimp in the Gulf Stream
顺风顺水 轻而易举取得成就
She in the mirror for hours hopin' that she get seen
她对着镜子照了好几个小时 希望有人注意到她
With us your girl hella talkative 'round rich n***as
和我们这些有钱人在一起 你的妹子滔滔不绝
Rich n***as yeah
Yeah yeah