Can’t Stay Sober歌词-Wiz Khalifa | 歌词网_全网歌词大全

Can’t Stay Sober

Wiz Khalifa
Smoke another bag I got cash I don't need to flash
再抽一包烟 我腰缠万贯 我不需要炫耀
Hop up off the plane foreign b***h want my autograph
走下飞机 外国女孩渴望得到我的亲笔签名
Brand new foreign ride I just put the muh'f**ka in the stash yeah
崭新的进口汽车 我只是把那些玩意藏起来
Hoppin' off the jet mo' money to invest
走下私人飞机 投入更多的金钱
I love to have fun business never neglect
我喜欢享受欢乐 绝不会放松事业
N***as know it's the gang they never disrespect
大家知道这就是帮派 他们从未有失尊重
A quarter million dollars I put that on my neck
二十五万美元 我拿去买了项链 戴在脖子上
Wanna come at my ride
You better come correct
My n***as down to slide I put that on the set
我的兄弟混得风生水起 我展现自己的实力
No f**kin' up the vibes
Good kush in the air my hand is on her thighs
空气中弥漫着醉人的烟气 我的手放在她的腿上
Get money errywhere conduct myself like a player
到处赚钱 自我督促 奋力拼搏
N***as sayin' what I should do
But I don't give a f**k I don't care
但我不屑一顾 我并不在乎
Talk it and be about it
谈笑风生 全力以赴
A pound of kush you won't see me without it
一磅狠货 没有这玩意 你就没机会看到我
My w**d is the loudest and I put that on gang
我手里的货品质上乘 我对此深信不疑
Never tryna sober up
Pull up and they know it's us
停下车子 他们知道我们就是如此
That's how you know I be killin' it
That's know you know I'm the realest in this b***h
Teach 'em how to roll it up
'Notha shot po' it up
再喝一杯 来点特调饮料
She left you now she feelin' it
她离你而去 现在她深有体会
Tired of talkin' it we livin' it
不愿旧事重提 我们享受生活
Uh I get my w**d from a dude that look just like me
我从一个朋友那里弄到** 他看上去就像我一样
'Locs long big crib for him and all of his seeds
留着长长的发辫 为他和他手里的种子准备一栋豪宅
Rollin' trees in my car spilled some nugs on my seat
在我的车里卷着烟 把那些玩意洒在我的座位上
If you walk up in my closet 'lotta J's for my feet
如果你走进我的衣橱里 里面放着很多Air Jordan运动鞋
'Lotta chucks too
Wanna kick it with a real n***a so she come through
渴望与真正的男人寻欢作乐 所以她来到我身边
Her friend say she havin' fun too
I don't blame her
Let 'em get as wild as she want I don't tame her
让他们就像她想的那样肆意狂欢 我不会让她变得温顺可人
You can smoke this J if you want a lotta flavors
如果你想品尝不同的味道 你可以尝试这种烟
Some good vibrations
My backyard feel like vacation
待在我的后院 就像度假一样
I put you on a first name basis
Don't get tied up no laces
不会身受束缚 不用添加别的东西
No lames over here all gang s**t
没有蹩脚的家伙来到这里 全是帮派里的兄弟
Never tryna sober up
Pull up and they know it's us
停下车子 他们知道我们就是如此
That's how you know I be killin' it
That's know you know I'm the realest in this b***h
Teach 'em how to roll it up
'Notha shot po' it up
再喝一杯 来点特调饮料
She left you now she feelin' it
她离你而去 现在她深有体会
Tired of talkin' it we livin' it
不愿旧事重提 我们享受生活
Gotta bottle comin' filled with McQueen
畅饮美酒 倒满McQueen限量版威士忌酒
If I'm in the clubs then you know I'm V.I.P.
如果我在夜店里 你就知道我是贵宾
F**kin' up the couches standin' on the seats
对沙发置之不理 站在座位上
On the seats
Wizzle got wings Wizzle got everything
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