Monitored Millions歌词-Wiz Khalifa | 歌词网_全网歌词大全

Monitored Millions

Wiz Khalifa
Wake up to the business
醒醒吧 干番事业
You handle yours I handle mine
At the end of the day what's done is done
到了最后 我们死而无憾
Gotta be real gotta be stackin' dollar bills
做最真实的人 赚很多钞票 最好能堆起来
Gotta look out for my team in the field
出来混的时候 最好当心我的队伍
Gotta stay fresh like my ideas
就像我脑袋里的新奇想法 时刻更新
Gotta keep old cars switching gears
宝刀未老 取得点新成就
Gotta spit fire for my engineer
从引擎里喷出火焰 干劲十足
Listen here the flow sharp like kitchenware different tier
听听这段flow 像刀具一样锋利十足 层次分明
We do our job then we disappear
我们干完该做的事 马上消失
Vision clear money got us on a mission
我很明白 钞票让我充满干劲
They hooked we supply the addiction
他们上钩了 他们沉迷其中
Only multiplyin' addition no division
让钱翻倍 不会血本无归
Drive the coldest edition got it out the mud
开着最酷炫的车子 刀口舔血
Models hoppin' out our showers and tubs
Dealers be givin' us ounces just because showin' us love
分销商给我很多好货 只是因为他要讨好我
50K just to show up in club
给我5万块 我才会在夜店露个面
Versace frames Gucci on the rug
范思哲的眼镜 古驰的衣服 随便一甩
I own the strain you just know the plug
我有赚钱的门路 而你只能节衣缩食
We don't do this for the fame
我们干这一行 不是为了出名
We doin' it 'cause we really kings
我们敢这样做 因为我们是真正的国王
想要良性循环 就得时刻保持善良和正直
Ball 'til you fall
Don't let 'em monitor your millions get 'em all
Gotta stay hands on heavily involved
不要置身事外 多多参与
Try to handle your business and stay up out of our's
管好你自己 小心错过机会
Then your problem's solved
Ball 'til you fall
Don't let 'em monitor your millions get 'em all
Gotta stay hands on heavily involved
不要置身事外 多多参与
Try to handle your business and stay up out of our's
管好你自己 小心错过机会
Then your problem's solved
Problem solved
开着改装车 行动迟缓 当他看见 那些人在修理他的小弟弟 可惜来不及了
What we in it for
Make 'em remember us
10 years plugs 10k's a new pair of rims for us
经验丰富的分销商 给我们拿了点好货
Come and kick it with some n***as who don't empty guts
过来 和那些大胆的兄弟交流交流
They broke so they envy us
他们破产了 现在眼红我们的成就
Laughin' to the bank while these suckers so serious
面带笑容 走进银行 那些笨蛋表情严肃
You ain't a boss let me talk to your superior
你不够资格 我要和你的头头谈谈
Leather interior bet I don't marry her
说句实话 我八成儿不敢娶她
Year gearin' up for success in different areas
一年时间 在不同的领域取得成功
N***as was lost switched the criteria
你不见了 我重新书写标准
Hard not to stare at us
我们战果斐然 你挪不开眼
Think she home but she here with us
你以为妹子在家 其实她和我们在一起
Gettin' that kush smoke in her hair and stuff
抽点好货 让她灵魂出窍
Thirty thousand feet in the air
感觉就在三万英尺的高空 爽翻了
Always been and will be prepared for any affair
我准备充足 面对一切难搞的事情
No diamonds in my teeth but that's all I wear
我的牙齿没有镶钻石 可我身上戴着呢
Solataires by the pair been ballin' my whole career
单打独斗 我飞黄腾达
Ball 'til you fall
Don't let 'em monitor your millions get 'em all
Gotta stay hands on heavily involved
不要置身事外 多多参与
Try to handle your business and stay up out of our's
管好你自己 小心错过机会
Then your problem's solved
Ball 'til you fall
Don't let 'em monitor your millions get 'em all
Gotta stay hands on heavily involved
不要置身事外 多多参与
Try to handle your business and stay up out of our's
管好你自己 小心错过机会
Then your problem's solved
Problem solved