Out in Space 歌词-Wiz Khalifa | 歌词网_全网歌词大全

Out in Space

Wiz Khalifa
Stackin my paper up no I don't make enough
我把钞票堆起来 我还没有挣够
All of these n***as I smoke when I'm waking up
所有人都一样 我一醒来就吞云吐雾
No I ain't fake enough money I'm raking up
我还不够圆滑世故 我要继续挣钱
Tell 'em I ain't takin up got ya girl baking up
告诉他们 我不必出手 让你的妹子兴奋不已
Yo' b***h she making up my crip I'm taking up
你的妹子精心打扮 我在家里翘首以盼
Pillow her face in there whole lot of space in 'em
她的脸埋在枕头里 里面足够宽敞
My car I'm racing it crash and replacing it
我开着车一路狂飙 撞坏了再换辆新的
Don't put the basics in smoking the face in it
我看不上普通货色 尽情地吞云吐雾
Came from the bottom I know where the basement is
我来自底层社会 我对穷困潦倒的生活了如指掌
Real G's moving silent my n***as are dangerous
真正的大佬闷声干大事 我的兄弟令人闻风丧胆
Smoke every day and I don't miss a plane
每天都尽情放纵 我不会错过航班
Stack everything at the club make it rain
在夜店里尽情挥霍 挥金如雨
Got a new broad and she gettin' me paid
另寻新欢 她让我心满意足
F**k n***as hate guess that comes with the game
惹人嫉妒 我想在这圈子必须对这这种事习以为常
Got a new car and a bust down
我买了一辆新车 一块镶钻手表
I was down bad but I'm up now
曾经的我身无分文 如今我扶摇直上
When I buff now loud when I come 'round
我精力充沛 招摇过市 我出现在大众视野
And we just met she in love now
我们刚认识 她已经坠入爱河
I'm a straight player I don't cuff now
我不会拐弯抹角 我不会动手
I get to the bag got this run round
我疯狂捞金 混得风生水起
I'm on KK I've been one pound
我尽情放纵 忘乎所以
When I call the play it's a touchdown
当我一喊开始 就达阵得分
I'ma beat it down money
我所向披靡 赚到盆满钵满
Eat a pile of it blowing strong and I even fly with it
我纵享欢乐 我甚至可以嗨翻天
Team that I'm with they don't violate it
我所在的团队 他们不会违背原则
Got a man but she couldn't hide it
她找了男友 可她无法掩藏自己的心思
Say she can't get enough late night I hit her up
她说她意犹未尽 深夜我给她打去电话
Smoking not drinking so I'm 'bout to pick her up
吞云吐雾 我滴酒未沾 我亲自去接她
Had me one roll soon as her n***a left
她的男友一走 我给自己卷了一根
Life and I choke or don't let her get a breath
生活和我让她感到窒息 别给她喘息的机会
Stackin my paper up no I don't make enough
我把钞票堆起来 我还没有挣够
All of these n***as I smoke when I'm waking up
所有人都一样 我一醒来就吞云吐雾
No I ain't fake enough money I'm raking up
我还不够圆滑世故 我要继续挣钱
Tell 'em I ain't takin up got ya girl baking up
告诉他们 我不必出手 让你的妹子兴奋不已
Yo' b***h she making up my crip I'm taking up
你的妹子精心打扮 我在家里翘首以盼
Pillow her face in there whole lot of space in 'em
她的脸埋在枕头里 里面足够宽敞
My car I'm racing it crash and replacing it
我开着车一路狂飙 撞坏了再换辆新的
Don't put the basics in smoking the face in it
我看不上普通货色 尽情地吞云吐雾
Came from the bottom I know where the basement is
我来自底层社会 我对穷困潦倒的生活了如指掌
Real G's moving silent my n***as are dangerous
真正的大佬闷声干大事 我的兄弟令人闻风丧胆
Smoke every day and I don't miss a plane
每天都尽情放纵 我不会错过航班
Stack everything at the club make it rain
在夜店里尽情挥霍 挥金如雨
Got a new broad and she gettin' me paid
另寻新欢 她让我心满意足
F**k n***as hate guess that comes with the game
惹人嫉妒 我想在这圈子必须对这这种事习以为常
Quavo woah
Connect that with my cookie that's what Huncho rolling up
和我的妹子亲密无间 这是Huncho弄来的上等好货
Walk around take out this nut kick out this double cup
四处游荡 尽情放纵 尽情啜饮特调饮料
Offset so crazy you might end up polled up
Offset如此疯狂 你最终会赢得大家的青睐
Poll 'em up
Looking for your b***h she asking for cuddle up
去找你的妹子 她让我紧紧抱着她
Circle is tight look like a huddle up
关系紧密 仿佛大家都挤在一起
Tryna get right your n***a double up
试图洗心革面 年轻人 加倍努力
Double up
I paid for the b***h to go get a new tummy tuck
我让妹子去做腹部除皱手术 费用我全包
Can't come in first we don't remember runner ups
无法获得第一名 我们不记得亚军长什么样子
Walk in the club with my motherf**king burner tux
我盛装打扮 穿上礼服 走进俱乐部里
Burner tux Grah
I am your leader your favorite achiever
我是你的领袖 你最喜欢的成功人士
I bought the biggest the private is cheaper
我一掷千金 私人订制的豪车更便宜些
Quavo Huncho I'm trapping with Wiz Khalifa
我是大名鼎鼎的Quavo Huncho 我和Wiz Khalifa打拼事业
Stackin my paper up no I don't make enough
我把钞票堆起来 我还没有挣够
All of these n***as I smoke when I'm waking up
所有人都一样 我一醒来就吞云吐雾
No I ain't fake enough money I'm raking up
我还不够圆滑世故 我要继续挣钱
Tell 'em I ain't takin up got ya girl baking up
告诉他们 我不必出手 让你的妹子兴奋不已
Yo' b***h she making up my crip I'm taking up
你的妹子精心打扮 我在家里翘首以盼
Pillow her face in there whole lot of space in 'em
她的脸埋在枕头里 里面足够宽敞
My car I'm racing it crash and replacing it
我开着车一路狂飙 撞坏了再换辆新的
Don't put the basics in smoking the face in it
我看不上普通货色 尽情地吞云吐雾
Came from the bottom I know where the basement is
我来自底层社会 我对穷困潦倒的生活了如指掌
Real G's moving silent my n***as are dangerous
真正的大佬闷声干大事 我的兄弟令人闻风丧胆
Smoke every day and I don't miss a plane
每天都尽情放纵 我不会错过航班
Stack everything at the club make it rain
在夜店里尽情挥霍 挥金如雨
Got a new broad and she gettin' me paid
另寻新欢 她让我心满意足
F**k n***as hate guess that comes with the game
惹人嫉妒 我想在这圈子必须对这这种事习以为常