No Sense歌词-Justin Bieber | 歌词网_全网歌词大全

No Sense

Justin Bieber
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
The sun don't set the same as you're watching it go down with me
有你相伴共赏夕阳西下 昔日景致都那般不同
And I won't sleep the same unless you're waking up in here with me
睁开双眼有你相伴在侧 我的睡眠都万分安稳
Oh my heart's a vacant house when you're gone away it's so empty
当你离去 我的心房也人去楼空
And love don't make no sense when it's empty oh no
当心空空如也 爱也就没有任何意义
I've driven almost every car
It ain't the same when I'm without you boo
没有你在身边 一切都变了样
Been around a million stars
None of 'em shine brighter than you
The sky be so dark now without you
没有你 天空黯淡无光
Yeah ooh baby
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
Oh been around the world ain't the same without you
流连在万丈红尘 没有你 一切都沧桑巨变
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
Focus ain't the same if the picture ain't got you in it
如若照片中没有你的倩影 镜头又有何用
In every limelight
Emotions ain't the same if it ain't about you I don't get it
如非与你相关 我都不会为之挂念 我只是不能理解
Ever since the beginning now
You had that effect on me
All I wanna do is you oh
A million so literally
一言一语 千真万确
Don't nobody go harder than you
All of the angels must be lonely now without you woah
没有你 天使们一定也很孤单寂寞
It don't make sense no
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
Cause I'm doing it with you baby
因为我只想和你在一起 宝贝
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
I only want to hear your voice
Oh been around the world ain't the same without you
流连在万丈红尘 没有你 一切都沧桑巨变
Had to find out the hard way
It don't make sense no
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
Going way up way up way up way up way up
一路上 跌跌撞撞
Yeah slow down stay up stay up stay up
慢下来 整夜无眠
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
Time and time again I break a plan
一次又一次 我打破计划
Without you girl I ain't the man
女孩 没有你 我不再是我
Could never be all I could be
萎靡不堪 一无所成
You over stand I'm incomplete
你悄然离去 我支离破碎
Apparently you gotta know I hate that
How am I supposed to take that
Boo'd up missing all of that
Gotta be laying in that
只能静卧 苦苦回想
Rolled up put a flame to that
卷起回忆 将之付诸一炬
Couple times you would made it back be patient
不用多久 你会重燃爱火 我得耐心点
Won't you pull up to me now I'm forever young
现在你能回我身边吗 我将永保彼此爱之青春
It's amazing
I don't want to sleep unless you at home
除非你在家中 不然我不想入眠
It don't make sense no
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
No it don't make sense
是的 一切都没有意义
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
No it don't make sense it don't make sense
真的 一切都没有意义
It don't make no sense unless I'm doing it with you
除非与你牵手共度 否则一切都没有意义
Alright yeah alright