Hate U MORE歌词解读-孙盛希 | 歌词网_全网歌词大全
Hate U MORE歌词解读
- 孙盛希的《Hate U MORE》讲述了一段感情破裂后的复杂情感
- 歌曲展现了被分手后依然无法释怀的心理状态
- 创作灵感源于对感情矛盾的深刻体会
- 通过歌词表达了对前任的爱恨交织
- 歌曲中既有自我怀疑也有自我反思
- 歌词开篇用"I know this time We're over and it's fine"表达表面的释然
- "If somebody else is on your mind"暗示对方已经找到了新的人
- "I put my hands on my eyes and Hope that your ghost won’t find me"表现了想要忘却回忆却无法做到
- "I can’t hide from you"点出分手后依然无法摆脱对方的影响
- "I don’t go on my phone now"说明无法面对社交媒体上的联系
- "Hate myself 'cause it's only you"体现了自我责怪以及对当前状态的不满
- "I want you And I'm thinking about you"重复出现的句子强化了对对方的思念
- "I replay those nights And I can't deny Now someone else sleeps by your side"表现了对美好回忆的怀念和现实的无奈
- 整首歌通过反复的"I want you"和"It hurts"展示了内心无法排遣的苦闷
- 结尾的"Do I still love you or… Maybe I hate you more"点出矛盾复杂的心情